Facebook planning new mobile ad technology?
Facebook is planning to release a new type of mobile advertising system that will be targeted to the types of apps that customers use on their handheld devices, according to a news report.
Facebook is planning to release a new type of mobile advertising system that will be targeted to the types of apps that customers use on their handheld devices, according to a news report.
Are you a ‘spark’ or an ‘onlooker’? This infographic from loyalty management firm Aimia looks at the 6 most common US social networkers by catergory type.
How does the new EU cookie law affect mobile tracking? This report from the DMA offers a guide to mobile marketers on changes to customer consent, and how to turn the new law to your advantage.
Proposed Facebook privacy policy changes have been rejected by Facebook users taking part in an official poll on the social networking site. However, Facebook has decided to ignore the results of vote due to ‘too few users made their wishes known’.
Microsoft has backed-down over its controversial decision to make its ‘Do Not Track’ feature the default on its next Internet Explorer browser.
As the controversial EU cookie law came into effect last weekend, Channel 4 managed to communicate the idea of collecting user data as part of a positive brand message, with a little help from comedian Alan Carr. See how they did it here…
Google could face further legal action for using its Street Cars to harvest data from resident’s unsecured WiFi networks.
A controversial new series of online privacy rules have come into effect within the European Union’s 27 member countries, requiring companies to receive consent to track individuals’ actions online.
Facebook has launched a Page Manager app, letting page owners keep their fans up to date while on the go.
With the EU Cookie Directive coming into force, digital marketers and retailers from all areas of the industry are going to have to ensure they comply, while still aiming to gather valuable data on online behaviour. Mark Haviland, MD at Rakuten LinkShare, explains what this means for the industry.