Google links Asia and US with giant underwater cable
Google has teamed up with five Asian telecom firms to build a $300mn underwater cable across the Pacific Ocean to cater for rising internet use in both the US and across Asia.
Google has teamed up with five Asian telecom firms to build a $300mn underwater cable across the Pacific Ocean to cater for rising internet use in both the US and across Asia.
Google is reportedly testing a new way of measuring a mobile audience, letting advertisers target users across apps and the mobile web.
It’s feeling like local is the big winner as latest SEO changes for the Google search algorithm start to move rankings around.
Despite the investments made by universities in digital, there is still little evidence about how resources are utilised by prospective students as part of their search process; and whether they now outweigh traditional methods.
Google is encouraging website developers to make their sites secure for visitors by using site encryption as one of the factors to determine search ranking.
Google has bought a texting app that matches a virtual assistant with instant messages, mining text conversations to send reminders to the user about important dates- potentially serving relevant ads too.
Flappy Bird is set to fly again, several months after its creator pulled the mobile game from app stores after too much pressure from fans. But the new version is an Amazon exclusive- meaning most mobile users will miss out.
Facebook is testing is free internet access scheme in Zambia, giving mobile and web users access to a select number of sites.
The UK government plans to put driverless cars on public roads as early as January 2015, joining the US, Japan, Singapore, Sweden and Germany in tests to see how the vehicles will work on a large scale.
Google, Facebook and eBay were the most popular sites in Germany during May 2014, according to new data from comScore.