Mobile web access ‘outpacing fixed-line internet access’
Mobile is increasingly the primary platform for internet access, with 18% no longer using fixed-line to access the Internet at all, according to a new global survey.
Mobile is increasingly the primary platform for internet access, with 18% no longer using fixed-line to access the Internet at all, according to a new global survey.
Online publishing is thriving, with 73% of publishers saying online display advertising revenue has gone up in last year, according to a new survey.
‘Gamification’ – the concept of using game design techniques in marketing campaigns, has become a popular buzzword, but do marketers really know what it means? According to a survey of over 100 marketers, the term leaves two-thirds of marketers in the UK stumped.
With mobile maps, location based social networks and group buying sites on the rise, brands can no longer avboid the power of local advertising online. But what does this mean for search marketing? Karl Knights, Director of New Business, Kenshoo Europe, takes a closer look…
Sainsbury’s has bought online entertainment company Global Media Vault from MBL Group for £1 million, as the UK’s third largest supermarket chain looks to offer film, game and music downloads.
Facebook’s registered UK division posted revenues of £15.3m back in 2010, up 54% on 2009, according to a recent news report.
First Hosted has launched an integrated point-of-sale application in the UK, enabling retailers to link their cash till sales to online rtail and back office management tools.
A common marketing mistake is to assume customer and brand perceptions are alike. David Parcell, Managing Director EMEA and Corporate Officer at Verint, looks at the importance of including the customer voice in any marketing strategy and offers ways of achieving this.
Donovan Data Systems (DDS) is set to merge with its main US competitor MediaBank, claiming to create ‘the largest independent advertising technology company in the world’.
Google has revamped its analytics tools, with free real-time data and a new system for enterprise customers called GA Premium, charging $150,000 a year.