‘Zombie’ virus attacks more than 1m mobiles in China
More than 1 million cell phones in China have been struck by the “Zombie” virus, according to Chinese state media, CCTV and Xinhua.
More than 1 million cell phones in China have been struck by the “Zombie” virus, according to Chinese state media, CCTV and Xinhua.
More than 1 million cell phones in China have been struck by the “Zombie” virus, according to Chinese state media, CCTV and Xinhua.
IMVU has launched seven new internationalized versions of its 3D virtual world.
Ask.com has given up the Google ghost and gone back to their question and answer service of old. They’re laying off 130 engineers and consolidating the rest of their skeleton staff at company headquarters in California. Suzanne Morrow, Senior Copywriter at Dog Digital asks; is there really room for more than one search giant out … [Read more…]
Men are more likely to buy high-tech gifts this year, while women are more likely to choose toys and games, with CDs and DVDs proving most popular with both sexes, according to new research.
More than 1 million cell phones in China have been struck by the “Zombie” virus, according to Chinese state media, CCTV and Xinhua.
More than 1 million cell phones in China have been struck by the “Zombie” virus, according to Chinese state media, CCTV and Xinhua.
When Despicable Me characters overtook YouTube the campaign broke all records for both interacting and sharing. This case study outlines how creative agency Feref and communications agency Mediacom, generated buzz for the animated film using the MediaMind ad platform.
Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity is first charitable beneficiary in Pompey’s ace new gaming partnership with Genting Alderney.
Top 10 Facebook games, ranked by daily active users (millions).