Google hikes pay to stop staff defections to Facebook
Google has given all of its 23,000 employees a pay hike, in a bid to stem defections to rival technology companies such as Facebook, according to a report.
Google has given all of its 23,000 employees a pay hike, in a bid to stem defections to rival technology companies such as Facebook, according to a report.
AOL is testing a new version of its email system, dubbed ‘Project phoenix’, which aims to bring together a number of communication formats, including social media, texts and emails, into a one-stop media platform.
Facebook is now worth more than eBay in terms of privately held stock, making it the third- largest US internet business, and fueling speculation that the social network could sell shares to the public in the not-to-distant future.
As the explosion in digital communications continues to be blamed for the demise of legible handwriting in schools, a new online venture is using technology to revive the lost art handwriting.
Shopping through social media channels will take off in 2011, after a slow start characterised by cynicism from UK retailers, Ovum predicts.
UK Brands can analyse and track the search engine optimisation (SEO) and paid search strategies of their competitors thanks to the new UK version of the search analytics software service from Searchmetrics.
Rivalry between Google and Facebook is intensifying, with the world’s two biggest internet companies locking horns over the export of user’s contact data from GMail to Facebook, with Google even encouraging its users to file a complaint against the social network.
Search marketing accounts for more than half of all global online advertising, and is forcast to take an even bigger slice of the market in four years time, according to a new report looking at the global internet ad industry.
Google has denied building a social network to compete with Facebook, despite months of rumours that the internet giant was working on a new social platform ‘Google Me’.
Faster broadband internet access has helped to fuel a massive rise in Uk online video viewing, according to new research.