Guest comment: How the digitised in-store experience will transform the future of retail marketing

As more people get vaccinated over the coming months, footfall will increase dramatically and retailers need to prepare for what’s to come. For Marcel Hollerbach, CMO at Productsup, the in-store and digital shopping experience needs to be connected. Retailers shouldn’t expect consumers to completely abandon the digital shopping experience that they relied on solely during … [Read more…]
Top White Goods brands: Hotpoint leads for online performance

New research by Good – a leading UK brand and digital consultancy – ranks the online performance of the top 12 UK White Goods brands Created in response to brands facing a tidal wave of data, but a lack of insight – the reports distil data into insightful, provocative and actionable triggers. Hotpoint tops the … [Read more…]
Going DTC? 5 ways to optimise your on-site experience

Looking to take advantage of the ecommerce surge caused by the ongoing pandemic, many brands such as Nivea are preparing to launch a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) site for the first time. But with so much competition, getting it right is key. Jack Wearne, CEO of Ve Global looks at how to optimise your on-site experience if … [Read more…]