Canada internet ad spend ‘to rise 15% by 2015’
Ad spending in Canada will grow faster than in the US until 2015, spurred by a rise in digital media, according to a new report.
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Ad spending in Canada will grow faster than in the US until 2015, spurred by a rise in digital media, according to a new report.
Broadcaster Sky is rebranding all of its mobile and on-line offerings into a single package called Sky Go.
Digital media has dramtically altered the way content is created, and it has opened up new opportunities for individuals to compete with giant corporations for market share. Michael Steckler, Northern Europe Managing Director, Criteo, takes a look at the importance of creativity in the changing digital landscape.
In light of U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner’s “unfortunate Tweet,”’s new study looks at how many Americans have actually posted something online they later regretted. Andrew Eisner, Director of Community and Content at, takes a look at the findings…
Google is reportedly on the verge of buying online advertising technology company AdMeld. for about $400m, according to media reports.
While brands have followed swiftly to raise their profile with social media savvy consumers for e-commerce success, it appears that when it comes to advertising on social media, consumers may not be on the same page, according to new research.
While brands have followed swiftly to raise their profile with social media savvy consumers for e-commerce success, it appears that when it comes to advertising on social media, consumers may not be on the same page, according to new research.
A new website aiming to provide marketing professionals with their first exclusively UK-based community has launched this week.
New Yahoo! mail research on how we keep in touch says social networks have changed Britain into ‘Generation 140′. Over 10% of Britons surveyed have said or heard ‘I love you’ for the first time over a social network. Nearly 20% check their social networks and emails on the loo, while 54% do the same … [Read more…]
Apple has launched iCloud, its new cloud-based platform designed to provide a selection of instantly pushed services across all manner of Apple products.