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7 trends for CES 2020: Cat waiters, Uber Air and Apple’s first appearance

CES in Las Vegas has just begun, showcasing cutting-edge gadgets, apps and products that could shape technology in the 20s, with ecommerce, short videos and facial recognition dominating the pre-event hype. We look forward to the seven biggest innovations and developments from the biggest tech expo of the year.
8 trends for CES 2020: Cat waiters, Uber Air and Apple’s first appearance

CES in Las Vegas has just begun, showcasing cutting-edge gadgets, apps and products that could shape technology in the 20s, with ecommerce, short videos and facial recognition dominating the pre-event hype. We look forward to the seven biggest innovations and developments from the biggest tech expo of the year.
2020 for influencer marketing – the year it all changes?
Infleuncer marketing has boomed in recent years. But as brands and consumers get more savvy, what will the next decade hold? Adam Williams, CEO of Takumi, takes a look… It was a tricky start to the new year for Instagram and the influencer marketing industry. In January, the release of two high profile documentaries around … [Read more…]