Euros 2016 v Rio Olympics: Which brands won the summer of moment marketing?
Which brands conducted the best moment marketing strategies at the Euros and Olympics? This new report from looks at which event and sectors saw the biggest involvement of moment marketing. Stéphanie Zorpi, Head of Business Intelligence, and Pierre Osdoit, Head of Marketing, at TYTV, explore how brands approached moment marketing around the UEFA Euro 2016 … [Read more…]
Top retail tips: Click and Collect or get left behind
The inconvenience which can sometimes occur with home deliveries has led consumers to look for more convenient and flexible ways to receive their purchases. Bright Masih, Retail Account Director, Black Pepper Software, looks at the expansion of Click & Collect and how retailers need to utilise the service.
Top presenting tips: How Richard Branson and Caitlin Jenner can help you convert business
Both Branson and Jenner have outstanding profiles in the media and have perfected how to present, but what lessons can be taken from their styles? How can their techniques help us become better presenters and convert business from presentations? Tim Levy, an esteemed speaking and marketing coach, who is scheduled to speak at the upcoming … [Read more…]