Ad blocking trends in 2017: Mobile increases but signs of overall slowdown
Ad blocking is now one of the biggest threats to digital marketing, estimated to cost global publishers over $27bn by 2020 through lost revenues. But are we witnessing a slowdown, or simply a migration of filtering software from PCs to mobiles?
Crisis management case study: United Airlines
In March 2017 United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz was named U.S. Communicator of the Year by the magazine PR Week. Just one month later, his company’s poor response to a customer incident has turned into a PR disaster, caused its stock to dramatically drop $1bn in value and has placed the entire airline industry under … [Read more…]
Understanding ‘mobile first’ consumer behaviours [INFOGRAPHIC]
How can consumer behaviour on smartphone and tablet devices can be aligned with that old business stalwart “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”? This new infographic from comScore attempts to find out…