April Fools’ round-up: Snapchat’s Russian bots, Brexit emojis and bankrupt Elon Musk

April Fool’s Day has become a major event in the digital calendar, with many brands and media owners creating elaborate pranks to show off their funny side (and get plenty of social media shares and column inches in the process). We’ve put together some of the best hoaxes from 2018’s pranksters for your viewing pleasure…
Top Yahoo searches of 2017: Love Island, Donald Trump and Meghan Markle

Donald Trump, the outspoken President of the United States is the most searched term by Yahoo users in the UK this year. Yahoo’s Year in Review reveals the biggest news stories, social trends and searches of 2017, taken from the billions of searches made on Yahoo Search over the course of the past year.
Top marketing tips: Attracting Generation Alpha

Generation Alpha is embracing an entirely new way of consuming content and posing a challenge for licensees when it comes to predicting the next big franchise. Gurdev Mattu, Managing Director, Fashion UK, discusses how organisations can proactively tackle the demands of this market and embrace the opportunities it brings.