5 tips for effective online messaging

Tone of voice is a crucial component of a brand’s identity and new channels of digital communication, such as messaging apps, all need subtly different approaches to make them effective. Julien Rio, Director of Marketing of RingCentral Engage Digital, outlines 5 tips for ensuring consistent messaging across all your digital communications.
Guest comment: Agile platforms – their rise and reign of customer engagement

As the number of devices is exploding, customers have more channels than ever to interact with brands. This has created a shift in consumer engagement, one that clunky legacy platforms are not equipped to cope with – why? Because their multiple solutions don’t talk to each other. James Manderson, General Manager of engagement platform Braze … [Read more…]
Top tips brands should consider when it comes to visual marketing

In this ‘new normal’ of a global pandemic, it has never been more important for brands to communicate with a sincere, authentic visual language which is relevant to their target audience Dr Rebecca Swift, Head of Creative Insights at Getty Images, offers top tips brands should consider when it comes to visual marketing, based on … [Read more…]