In order to help charities and public sector organisations increase their visibility online, the Internet Advertising Bureau – the trade body for digital marketing – has launched a Search Marketing Toolkit to educate the market about how to use search more effectively.
BBC to put 88-year back catalogue online
The BBC is planning to create a complete online broadcast history of the corporation dating back to its foundation in 1922, as part of its ‘Genome Project’.
a4uexpo expands London affiliate marketing event
Affiliate marketing conference a4uexpo has opened for registration, and is offering a £100 discount for earlybird registrations before the end of August.
Top 50 social media campaigns of all time
From small companies to global organisations, social media campaigns are playing an increasingly important role in brand marketing and now a Social Media Campaign Hall of Fame table has been published. This list runs down the most succesful. memorable and controversial social media campaigns of all time.
Unilever unveils first ‘crowd-sourced’ Peperami ad
Covent Garden-based creative agency BPL has produced the first crowd sourced advert for Unilever’s Peperami brand.
Unilever unveils first ‘crowd-sourced’ Peperami ad
Covent Garden-based creative agency BPL has produced the first crowd sourced advert for Unilever’s Peperami brand.
Unilever unveils first 'crowd-sourced' Peperami ad
Covent Garden-based creative agency BPL has produced the first crowd sourced advert for Unilever’s Peperami brand.
Most marketers don’t know who Biz Stone is- survey
Marketers are still in a muddle when it comes to social media with almost one fifth thinking Twitter founder Biz Stone is a business publication, according to a recent survey conducted by Emailvision at the Online Marketing Show.
Most marketers don’t know who Biz Stone is- survey
Marketers are still in a muddle when it comes to social media with almost one fifth thinking Twitter founder Biz Stone is a business publication, according to a recent survey conducted by Emailvision at the Online Marketing Show.
Most marketers don't know who Biz Stone is- survey
Marketers are still in a muddle when it comes to social media with almost one fifth thinking Twitter founder Biz Stone is a business publication, according to a recent survey conducted by Emailvision at the Online Marketing Show.