4pm Wednesday ‘is peak-time for workplace shopping’
Employees are hitting the online shopping aisles during office hours to get away from work pressures, according to research from real-time online shopping tool Invisible Hand.
Employees are hitting the online shopping aisles during office hours to get away from work pressures, according to research from real-time online shopping tool Invisible Hand.
Facebook became the most popular social network in India for the first time in July with 20.9 million visitors, up 179 percent versus year ago, according to new data.
The UK’s advertising watchdog has banned BT’s latest TV broadband advertisement, following claims the communications giant was making “unrealistic” claims about the speed of its broadband service.
How many times have you been frustrated by a site failing at critical points due to excess traffic? Following recent high profile crashes such as Twitter, Bob Dowson, director at Site Confidence, has compiled its five top tips for successful load testing.
UK music streaming service we7 announced that it has exceeded 6.5 million licensed songs for its music platform.
Professionals in the creative industries in London are being targeted by a new marketing “dating agency”
Professionals in the creative industries in London are being targeted by a new marketing “dating agency” aimed at matchmaking marketing professionals with companies seeking their services.
Professionals in the creative industries in London are being targeted by a new marketing “dating agency”
CreditCall is developing a payment app called CardEase Mobile that allows fully secured Chip & PIN (EMV) or magnetic-stripe transactions to take place on BlackBerry and other smartphones becoming available in autumn 2010 from the usual online resources.
Google is testing out a new ‘streaming search’ feature that displays search results to users as they type.