Guest comment: The Pervasiveness of Data and Data-Centric Security Strategy

In this last year, we have seen an exponential growth in not just the amount of digital data, but also its vulnerability. But what if ‘building walls’ is the wrong approach? Adam Strange, Global Marketing Director at Titus, illustrates the pitfalls of information security architecture and explains how shifting to data-centric strategies will protect data … [Read more…]
Top tips: Why mobile site surveys have dramatically changed
“Accurate site surveys are pivotal to planning, designing, commissioning and maintaining a robust communications network, yet the majority of businesses don’t carry them out due to cost and complexity”, says Stuart Waine of Spry Fox Networks.
Yahoo! sold again: Verizon offloads media assets including AOL, Engadget and TechCrunch

Verizon announced that it is spinning off the properties, which it acquired in separate transactions in 2015 and 2017, to the private equity firm Apollo in a deal valued at $5bn. In buying AOL and Yahoo, Verizon was hoping to partake in some of the big advertising dollars that large tech companies such as Facebook … [Read more…]