Google halts Realtime search as Twitter deal ends
Google has suspended its ‘Realtime’ search tools after its two-year deal with Twitter ended this weekend.
Google has suspended its ‘Realtime’ search tools after its two-year deal with Twitter ended this weekend.
The launch of Google+ last week has lead many to conclude that it is Google’s attempt to address the fragmentation of the web. Rupert Staines, managing director of online ad network RadiumOne discusses what this means for the industry and how the changing “social web” can present more opportunities for advertisers to reach consumers.
Adobe has released the latest update to Adobe Scene7 lets clients deliver rich- media experiences for customers, optimised for any channel or device, including tablets such as the iPad.
Almost one in three online consumers find inaccurate pricing in search ads displayed by retailers, according to a new survey conducted by YouGov.
ITV has launched its catch-up TV service ITV Player for Android, with plans to launch on the iPhone making later this year.
App store GetJar has revamped it website with a raft of new features including Facebook integration, new portal features and a refreshed user interface.
123-reg, the UK’s largest domain registrar, has launched a new Android app that will allow users to search and purchase domain names on the go.
MORE TH>N is promoting its Pet Insurance services with a new social media campaign aimed at owners and their pets.
MORE TH>N is promoting its Pet Insurance services with a new social media campaign aimed at owners and their pets.
Google has launched a new feature which enables users to manage their own identity on the web as they relate to Google services and search engine results.