Top 5 social media tips for the finance industry: how can your brand make it work?
When it comes to marketing, the financial services industry is often hampered by legislation, regulation, privacy concerns and complexity, but ‘opting out’ of a meaningful social media presence is no longer a realistic option. Claire Wilson at Stratton Craig offers 5 tips for financial brands to create an effective social media strategy.
Selling to silver surfers: how e-tailers can develop emotional intelligence to appeal to an older demographic
While many e-tailers may be focusing on the millennial customer experience, they must be careful not to do this at the expense of silver surfers – who in many cases are less fickle customers and more willing to spend than their younger counterparts. Luke Griffiths, General Manager at Klarna UK, looks at the psychological factors … [Read more…]
Top Gamification tips: How games are re-wiring brains and shaping behaviours of the future
A ‘games mindset’ is permeating and influencing in areas well outside of what we understand as ‘games’. Marcus Thornley, Founder of Play Consulting explains how consumers, business leaders, and even the nature of work itself is increasingly receptive to, and driven by, the triggers, stimuli and approaches pioneered in games.