Author: Robin Langford
Take Your Podcast To The Next Level: Give It A Dedicated Website

There are countless channels to stream podcasts, such as Spotify, iTunes or Sticher, but an important yet overlooked component of launching a podcast is a creating a “home base” or dedicated podcast website for your show. Ilina Dobreva, Marketing Specialist at SiteGround offers best practices for hosting podcasts and advice on creating a podcast website … [Read more…]
Major brands and agencies join Facebook ad boycott

The growing movement, organised by civil rights and other advocacy groups under the rally cry “#StopHateForProfit”, was spurred by last month’s killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and has drawn support from companies including Mozilla, movie studio Magnolia Pictures, Rakuten Viber, and the Goodby Silverstein advertising agency. “We have strict content policies in place … [Read more…]
Remote work forever? 40% of managers considering staff home working ‘beyond pandemic’

The study, from Hoxton Mix, indicates that attitude towards permanent remote work varies between industries. For example, more than 3 in 5 (64%) of respondents who work in the Sales, Media and Marketing industries agree that this would be a positive change, but only less than 1 in 5 (16% of workers in the Arts … [Read more…]