Author: Robin Langford
Top tips: Escaping from data lockdown with a digital evolution

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to suit every company, by having available and structured data with an open and flexible culture, organisations are in a much stronger position to take on this critical shift and escape from data lockdown Peter Ruffley, CEO, Zizo, highlights two aspects for businesses to consider before they can move … [Read more…]
Black Friday spending to shrink by nearly a quarter in 2020 (but two-thirds will be online)

Whilst the period will get longer, the spending will be less as the impact of Covid-19 on consumers’ wallets looms large. The Black Friday period has been forecast to shrink by nearly a quarter (22%) this year, based on research by eCommerce consultancy Wunderman Thompson Commerce, yet online spending is set to surge. Overall spend … [Read more…]