Author: Robin Langford
16 biggest challenges faced by tech companies (infographic)
One third of tech companies don’t think they have enough knowledge of prospective clients, according to this new infographic looking into 16 biggest business challenges faced by tech companies today.
How trust seals boost marketing and customer acquisition (infographic)
According to PayPal, 88% of visitors abandoned their shopping cart last year. Each of these carts was worth $109, or in a macro level, they add up to about $4 trillion worldwide. This new infographic from FinancesOnline looks at why consumer trust is a major factor in ditched shopping carts, and how retailers can increase … [Read more…]
Case study: Cottages4you gets 957% ROI with follow up messages
In December 2013 Triggered Messaging and cottages4you worked together to introduce a browse and cart abandonment strategy which went live in early January 2014. Cart abandonment is a challenge that faces every organisation selling online, but it is dependent on visitors placing items in their basket. Crucially, it doesn’t’ take in to account the often … [Read more…]
Top tips: Big Data in a mobile world- Shop floor decision making
Retailers are embracing big data, yet there is limited connection between these innovative ideas and the real time experience in each store. Despite clear changes in behaviour and attitudes, the retailer is still second guessing the customer’s expectations. Matthew Napleton, Marketing Director at Zizo. Explains why retailers need to get real-time data onto the shop … [Read more…]
How much should you spend on advertising? New tool predicts investment
Forecaster, new predictive analysis tool, has launched this week, telling marketers where and how to spend online ad budgets to deliver the greatest profit.