Author: Robin Langford
Cannes Lions case study: P&G Whisper gets 3m Indian women to ‘Touch the Pickle’

P&G’s sanitary brand Whisper aimed to break the taboo in India around menstruation. This case study looks at how the firm came up with a powerful commercial and social media campaign encouraged 2.9 million women pledge to “touch the pickle jar” and defy dated myths- winning a Cannes Lions award for its efforts.
Mobile roaming to end in 2017 (but spam blockers at risk )
Mobile phone roaming will end in July 2017 and will be significantly cut next summer in an agreement on telecoms laws reached last night between MEPs and representatives of EU governments.
Cannes Lions winner: Dominos emoji pizza orders

Earlier in 2015, Dominos took an innovative approach to pizza orders, catering for the Snapchat and Yo! Generation with emoji based ordering system. The Twitter-based campaign was so successful it won this year’s Cannes Titanium Grand Prix for most breakthrough idea of the year. This case study looks at the pizza chain’s recipe for success.
Cannes Lions winner: Geico wins top prize for ‘unskippable’ pre-roll ads
All too often, YouTube ads are not tailored to pre-roll, meaning that viewers are likely to skip because they are given little incentive to continue watching. The case study looks at how US car insurance firm Geico generated 725,000 unaided YouTube views in one day by playing on the format, winning the 2015 Canes Lions … [Read more…]
Engagement evolution and the power of digital in the NFP sector

No matter what industry you are in, engaging with your customers, members or audience is vital to the success of your organisation. In today’s technology-driven society, this means far more than having an aesthetically pleasing website or a mobile app. Placing digital at the heart of an engagement strategy will be vital in keeping your … [Read more…]