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  3. , “Are you going to keep typing the whole session?” I answered, “Yes,” to which she responded, “How rude!” She then got up and walked to another seat across the room.Fortunately, she was soon replaced by another person, who within a minute had her laptop out to take notes … plus her iPad to follow along with the seminar hand out … plus her smart phone to keep an eye out for emergency emails about a hot project she was responsible for! We got along just fine!Now I feel so much better reading your thoughts. I can sleep at night again!Mike[]Emilie Barta Reply:March 22nd, 2012 at 12:02 pmOh no…how rude of you, Mike! How dare you want to learn? And take notes? To remember? And share with others? Are you kidding me?!?!? You never should have stepped foot in that session room!!!#youknowiamjustgivingyoutrouble But all kidding aside…this is a huge problem. OK fine, maybe your seatmate was sensitive to your finger clacking. But all she had to do was find a new seat with a new seatmate that absorbed knowledge in a similar fashion as herself. There was nothing rude about what you were doing…it was rude of her to make those comments to you in what I can only assume was not a nice tone. It is my dream that conference organizers start arranging session rooms with various seating styles to accommodate different types of note-taking so that situations like this never happen again. And start placing power strips in various locations around the room and on the tables. But that is another blog post…[] 0% balance credit card

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