‘Daily is Out’, ‘Via’, and ‘@’ are amongst six phrases that increase the number of click troughs on tweets, according to new research.
The study, conducted by social media expert Dan Zarrella from HubSpot, examined more than 200,000 link-containing Tweets to find what words, phrases and characters correlate with higher or lower click through rates (CTR).
The study found the phrase ‘Daily is Out’ (the signature of the automated Tweets service paper.li) generated a huge 33.3% click through rate, compared with just 1.9% for the same tweet without the phrase.
Other effective phrases included ‘via’, ‘@’, ‘rt’, ‘please’ and ‘check’.
Interestingly, tweets that included a hashtag symbol ‘#’, the primary way of tagging a subject on Twitter, did not generate a significantly higher click through rate than the same phrase without a hashtag.
Phrases in the study that had a negative effect on a Tweet’s CTR were ‘@addthis’, ‘marketing’ and ‘getglue’.
To view to full results, read Dan Zarrella’s blog here.