LoopMe has launched AI-powered video advertising, with brands Microsoft, The North Face and O2 are already using it and seeing and outcome uplift of 132%.
Last year LoopMe launched PurchaseLoop, which uses AI to optimise campaign delivery in-flight, toward brand outcomes such as purchase intent, brand favorability or foot traffic.
PurchaseLoop is already used by over 50 brands including Microsoft, The North Face, O2 and Heinken’s Birra Moretti, with an average outcome of 132% lift. The award-winning technology is also included in the cross-screen roll-out.
In under five milliseconds, LoopMe’s AI is able to calculate the likelihood of each impression delivering the campaign goal, only serving ad creative when it will generate the desired real-world outcome. This creates a mix of screens, unique to each campaign and creative, reaching the most valuable users in the most valuable moment on mobile, desktop or Connected TV.
Results from LoopMe show that click through rates, typically low on desktop rose 400% from 0.54% to 2.7%, five times higher than industry benchmarks, when using AI optimization. Video completion rates on skippable native formats also rose by 30% from 37.5% to 49%, while Connected TV VCR increased 53%.
LoopMe’s CEO & Co-Founder, Stephen Upstone said. ‘AI identifies the moments where an ad is most likely to deliver the desired outcome, whether that is a view, click, shift in brand metric or increase in foot traffic. In this way, the campaign will deliver the perfect digital channel mix for the campaign goal’.
‘Artificial intelligence will revolutionize marketing over the coming years and is still very early in its adoption. CMOs must have an AI strategy, else they risk being left behind’.
The new technology will allow brands to more easily incorporate mobile into their existing digital strategies, based on in-flight results, a move encouraged by the MMA.
“Our $3 million SMoX research initiative has proven that advertising campaigns with Mobile in the marketing mix versus campaigns without boost sales by around +25% and one of the big drivers of that performance is Mobile Video”’ pointed out Greg Stuart, Global CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association, who went on to say that “some of those 11 campaigns measured by our SMoX research initiative even saw Mobile Video be as much as much as 300% more cost effective than TV.”