Facebook is introducing ‘Twitter-style’ Verified Pages, giving businesses and public figures an authentic blue check mark next to their profiles, helping to tackle the problem of misleading fake profiles on the social network.
The feature will apply to a small group of prominent public figures such as celebrities, journalists, government officials, popular brands and businesses with large audiences, Facebook said Wednesday in a post on its site.
Verification badges will appear:
• Beside the name of verified Pages in timeline
• When hovering over the name of a Page
• In searches
• In stories about users liking a Page
• In “Pages You May Like” suggestions
• In News Feed ads for your Page
Facebook said the tool is designed to help people find the authentic accounts of those types of people and groups.
“We verify profiles or Pages to help you be sure that they are who they claim to be,” the company said.
Besides Pages, Profiles too will receive the update, Facebook said.
The check mark badge will appear beside the name of the account on timelines, in search results and elsewhere on Facebook.
Not all authentic profiles and Pages are verified, Facebook noted, and users cannot request to have their account verified. People who believe they are being impersonated can report fake accounts.
Read the official announcement here
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So Facebook, you can’t ask to be verified, you just have to wait… for what? To be picked up by an employee of yours who of course would know what is authentic or not… mmmm good luck looking through 1 Billion member profiles and even more pages
Oh you are so funny…
Anyway in the real world…