Is the internet the right medium to advertise a low involvement product like laundry detergent? This slide presentation case study from Alexandra Zadoya from OMD Russia looks at how a Persil campaign in Russia used social gaming in innovative ways to drive brand engagement and sales.
To start, three questionnaires were combined to assesss how different digital activities – display ads, social network games and contests – are perceived by consumers and affects how it affects brand KPIs.
The results indicated that engaging content online would drive brand loyalty and sales to Persil, especially via online gaming. In repsonsse, Persil’s ‘Garden of Freshness’ game was created, supported by a display ad camapign.
The game centred around the idea that modern Russian women are perfectionists who try to achieve top results in everything, even laundry. The game featured game on Russia’s top 2 social networks, where 70% of our audience is present daily.
Game mechanics:
On a field that looks like a white blouse, players could grow a Garden of Freshness. They planted a pearl, symbolizing Persil’s microgranules that attach to fabric after washing.
After watering the pearl turned into a flower, just as the micrgranules burst open to release a fresh scent on the clothing, then harvest new pearls and re-plant them. Players who grew the most flowers won prizes weekly. Winning requried daily watering, guaranteeing daily interaction between the brand and consumers.
Persil reached over 60% of its audience. Over 80% of those who played could name the key brand values. In Russia Persil Fresh Pearls by Vernel became the best selling brand in Henkel’s portfolio.
Consumer actions after visiting the Garden of Freshness site:
81% Played the game
33% Read information about Persil Pearls of fresh aroma Vernel
22% Watched the rating and/or the winners
18% Watched the Persil commercial
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