Yesterday’s UK Budget went some way to help small firms, cutting red tape and offering tax credits, but did it do enough? Luke Lang co-founder of equity crowdfunding firm Crowdcube looks at how the government can do more to help entrepreneurs and get the UK economy moving in the right direction.
Today’s budget shows that the Government is listening to small businesses and trying to simplify tax and red tape as well as provide additional tax reliefs like the R&D tax credits. This is great news. And while start-ups have also been acknowledged by piloting the introduction of the new Enterprise Loans that will make it easier for young people to start their own business, older entrepreneurs are left out in the cold. Many of the entrepreneurs that visit Crowdcube to raise equity finance will still be subject to the risk-averse scrutiny and high interest rates posed by banks for small business loans.
The new National Loan Guarantee Scheme (NLGS) is lipstick on a pig in that regard. A business that successfully raised finance on Crowdcube was offered a high-street bank loan with an eye watering 15 per cent interest rate. I doubt it 14% would have made a difference to those tears!
Private investment that comes from individuals through new e-finance solutions such as peer-to-peer lending or crowdfunding are already proving a viable alternative that will do more to provide much needed finance to boost SMEs in Britain than expensive and headline heavy Government Schemes.
Other budgetary announcements due to come into effect this April such as the new Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, are also good news for the start-up funding challenge as they will encourage private individuals to invest.
Doubling the cap on Entrepreneurs Relief however is focused on the businesses exit rather than its early stage growth since qualifying entrepreneurs only benefit once they are successful. What start-ups really need is support structures and access to appropriate source of finance in the early stages of the businesses development if they are to thrive.
There needs to be more recognition of early-stage small businesses and fewer barriers to funding for small businesses in Britain. The UK government should follow in the footsteps of US government with its new crowdfunding bill that is designed to ease the regulatory burden on firms trying to raise equity finance from the general public.
By Luke Lang
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L’avis de RicochetBenjamin est tout excit茅 et hurle 芦 Vive la mari茅e ! 禄 脿 pleins poumons. Pour qui ? Pour sa maman qui a toujours r锚v茅 de porter une belle robe de mari茅e et a insist茅 pour faire une c茅r茅monie en r猫gle. Bizarre, pour un enfant de dix ans, d’assister au mariage de ses propres parents ! Mais Benjamin, lui, a l’air de bien s’amuser, contrairement 脿 sa grand-m猫re aux cheveux 芦 violets barbe 脿 papa 禄 qui fait la t锚te dans son coin. Pendant que Tonton L茅on balance g茅n茅reusement des grains de riz dans le d茅collet茅 de sa ni猫ce Jessica, Benjamin tombe amoureux de sa cousine Sophie. Apr猫s le vacarme et le d茅part des invit茅s, Benjamin pourra go没ter un moment de tendresse pour une douce danse 脿 trois, avec son papa et sa maman.
Vincent Cuvellier nous offre ici une nouvelle histoire autour de son petit h茅ros Benjamin, avec pour toile de fond le th猫me contemporain du mariage tardif des parents. Il nous d茅peint avec beaucoup d’humour et de justesse l’ambiance sucr茅e-sal茅e des f锚tes de famille, 脿 travers des personnages que nous avons tous crois茅s au moins une fois dans notre vie : le tonton bien lourd, la cousine trop craquante et la m茅m茅 boudeuse. Robe demoiselle d’honneur