To promote last year’s blockbuster movie Inception, Warner hired CBS Interactive to run an innovatiove online campaign. This case study highlight how the campaign generated impressive dwell and click-through rates that beat expectations.
Advertiser: Warner Home Video
Media: CBS Interactive
Format: Glider Takeover on GameSpot
The Brief
Warner Home Video was looking for high impact stunts to drive awareness of Inception’s Blu-ray/DVD release. They challenged CBS Interactive to produce a ground-breaking and totally innovative user experience that would showcase the movie’s exhilirating pace.
The Execution
CBS Interactive felt that Inception’s use of buildings bending and wrapping around themselves naturally lent itself to the MediaMind Glider format.
The ad begins with the GameSpot homepage falling towards the user, revealing the world of Inception.
An action packed user-initiated video then showcases the movie’s graphics. The fallen back of the homepage remains visible throughout the experience.
So the user maintains a connection to the GameSpot site, while still given a substantial space to explore the ad.
The Results
The 3D falling wall using the MediaMind Glider proved to be a very attractive format for the site’s users.
The Dwell Rate for the Glider Takeover was 21.87%, a 268% improvement over the MediaMind benchmark.
The CTR was a 247% improvement over the MediaMind benchmark.
The Dwell Rate Benchmark for the Entertainment Vertical in US is 5.94%.
The CTR Benchmark Benchmark for the Entertainment Vertical in US is 0.21%
Conny Mirza | Director, Ad Strategy and Development at CBS Interactive: “Early planning and great collaboration between GameSpot and the MediaMind team insured a successful, smooth launch. And most importantly, the ad unit performed well for our advertiser, resulting in very high engagement rates.”
Julie Kuwabara, Programs Manager at GameSpot: Working with MediaMind to create the GameSpot site to fold in half like the buildings in Inception was an instant win with Warner Bros.”
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