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ITV syncs TV ads with second-screeners simultaneously

ITV Commercial has struck a new partnership with programmatic ad platform, RadiumOne, that will see the broadcaster synchronise its broadcast TV commercials with ads served to potential viewers online that check their mobiles during commercial breaks.

The collaboration will see ITV launch Ad Sync+, which, by linking ITV’s broadcast output to RadiumOne’s unique sharing data capability, will allow ITV’s TV advertisers to reach their desired audiences simultaneously across other devices and online environments.

The deal means that within milliseconds of an ad playing on ITV, a similar digital ad will be served to users online with a similar profile to the TV audience in terms of socio-demographics & geography.

Advertisers will be able to target audiences based on their levels of engagement and sharing and viewing behaviours and will have access to over 30 billion sharing events per month.

RadiumOne’s technology enables an additional layer of audience to be included – those likely to be interested in the ad based on the content they share or engage with online. For example, an Iceland ad could be served to people beyond the ‘standard’ demographic profile who’ve shared/received online content relating to frozen foods, cooking at Xmas.

The move will help ITV extend its ad reach to include people who may be watching the TV programme but start multi-screening during the ad break or those who fit the target group of the TV ad but weren’t watching TV in the first place, but are currently online.

Simon Daglish, ITV Commercial’s Deputy Managing Director, announced the partnership at the ITV Gala this evening. He said: “RadiumOne’s deep understanding of cross platform ad solutions and their unique lens on audiences through sharing data, makes them the perfect partner to help us deliver further value to our advertisers across multiple platforms.”

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