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Right to reply: Consumer trust key to wearable success

This year has seen an unprecedented number of wearable and connected devices revealed at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Pierre Naggar, MD Europe, Turn, looks at how marketers should be looking at harnessing the wearables sector, without creating privacy concerns amongst consumers.

The prediction that CES would be ‘stuffed to the rafters’ with wearables was a self-fulfilling prophecy, as we see an unprecedented amount of wearables revealed.
What these gadgets all have in common is the wealth of data they can collect on the consumers who use them; for example, your watch can now monitor what time you leave work and get home, thus keeping track of your movements. In effect, wearables can be seen as an extension of the mobile channel and this is a huge opportunity for marketers if they can achieve a holistic understanding of the consumer journey.”
Consumers are willing to share this information with brands in the exchange of services for information, but marketers need to consider carefully how they do this.
With privacy concerns rife, consumers will demand a slick brand experience if they are to provide data, so marketers should be exploring what this data shows about customer preferences such as channels and times in order to optimise the customer communications.
The brands who invest time in data driven communications will provide a better experience for the consumer, who is benefitting by receiving the right message at the exact right time for them, giving them a positive experience of the brand.”
By Pierre Naggar
MD Europe

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