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Job matching algorithm wins £100k funding award

TheJobPost has received a funding award of £100k from the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK. TheJobPost, which works on a crowdsourcing model, matches employers who have job vacancies with relevant recruitment suppliers based on their specialisms.

TheJobPost is currently developing this a more sophisticated matching algorithm to support its unique filtering model, so that the matching process can also take into account whether a recruitment firm has undertaken similar assignments in the past – and whether they are currently in a position to present candidates to fulfil the assignment at that moment in time.
“It was a highly competitive process”, said Ken Brotherston, Chairman of TheJobPost. “In order to secure the award, we had to provide a compelling business case with supporting evidence to prove that this was both a feasible project – and that we had the capability to deliver it. We felt that being able to offer a service to employers which matches them with not only relevant recruiters, but also with suppliers which have both proven ability – and the capacity to fulfil an assignment would be a real game changer. Happily Innovate UK agreed and with an initial award of £100k, we now have the additional funding to take this project to completion.”
Commenting on the funding, Marc Williams TheJobPost’s COO and Head of Product Development said: “Our development team has already built a platform that offers a unique supplier filtering process for employers to engage with the most appropriate recruiters – a fact borne out by our industry leading placement rates. This additional funding support from Innovate UK will enable us to take our offering to a whole new level.”

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