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Ecommerce marketing in China: Making the most of ‘singles day’ (infographic)

This week saw the annual Singles Day take place in China, and retailers are eagerly anticipating the sales that are about to come through their websites. This infographic from Dyn looks at how brands can make the most of a day that celebrates the bachelor (or bachelorette) lifestyle…

Over 360 million Chinese shoppers are projected to spend over 50 billion Yuan (£5.1 billion), according to the China Market Research Group.
The day was founded by a group of students at Nanjing University in 1993 who decided they would celebrate the perils of being single every November 11th.
It wasn’t until 2009 that Chinese retail giant Alibaba spotted an opportunity and encouraged retailers on its platform to offer discounts for the day.
However, are retailers ready for the flurry of activity that is about to hit their website and do they have the right infrastructure in place for it to hold up?
For international companies trying to gain the attention of high spending Chinese navigating the complex Chinese Internet can prove difficult on any given day, let alone Singles Day.
To help, Internet Performance experts, Dyn, have created an infographic to provide five tips on how retailers can navigate the Chinese internet on Singles Day.

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