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Local US markets ‘shape brand loyalty for youngsters’

The local market can be a major factor for Americans under 35 in determining their brand loyalty, according to new research from Nielsen.

Loyalty is highly coveted in today’s media world, particularly among Millennials—some of America’s most connected consumers.
These adults aged 18-29 are in many ways redefining how marketers and content creators think about loyalty. Audiences are fragmenting across more and more platforms and their loyalty shifts as they seek out ways to consume the content that’s most important to them, on their terms.
As these forces shape the brand loyalty landscape, it’s important to remember that where you live still holds sway in determining behaviors. For example, local flavors create key differences among “brand-loyal” Millennials. In this case, we defined brand-loyal consumers as those who agree they are loyal to only a few fashion brands and stick with them.
Here’s a look at two different markets—Salt Lake City, Utah, and Syracuse, N.Y.—measured by Nielsen Scarborough.

Read as: Brand-loyal Millennials in Salt Lake City are 2x more likely than all Millennials to plan on having a baby in the next 12 months.
Source: Nielsen Scarborough USA+ Study, Release 2, 2013 – GfK MRI Attitudinal Insights Data.
From family-planning to decision-making in the produce aisle or around online banking, brand-loyal Millennials’ lifestyles and daily behaviors vary widely across each market. This is why it’s so important to “know the locals” whenever—and wherever—you place advertising or programming content to reach your desired consumers.
To learn more about how every market tells an individual story, visit Nielsen Scarborough’s interactive website.

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