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Gmail tests ‘snooze button’ for important emails

Google is testing a Gmail update that will; incorporate a ‘snooze’ feature, helping users ensure they don’t miss important emails, according to a new report.

Technology blog Geek reports that the ‘snooze’ feature lets users read an email, mark it as unread and then move it back to the top of the inbox after a specific time period.
This ensures the email will pop up again at the top of the inbox as an unread message. This could be very handy as it’s a way of alerting or reminding users about an important task.
Screenshots leaked by show a new version of Gmail that feature new tabs, a snooze button and the ability to pin messages.
The email pinning function forces an email to stick to the top of the inbox until the user decides to unpin it.
The leaked image shows new tabs for travel, purchases, and finance. These will be in addition to the Social, Promotion, Forum and Updates tabs that are already a part of the Gmail inbox.
The new Gmail version shows a system for pinning messages to the top of your inbox. There’s also a toggle switch that lets users pin emails or push them back to their original places. This will replace the current ‘star’ system of marking important emails.

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