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Video ads on news sites ‘tripled last year’ (DoubleClick infographic)

News publishers are running three times more video ads this year than last, with huge rises in investment coming from the automotive, sports and shopping sectors, according to new data from Google’s DoubleClick ad network.

According to the research, news publishers are relying increasingly on automated real-time exchanges to sell the ads.
View the infographic outlining key data from the DoubleClick data below:
View larger image here
DoubleClick provided some key stats about ads running on its network:

Digital video advertising is essential for brand campaigns

• Advertisers are getting into digital video in a big way: two out of five video ads on the DoubleClick advertising platforms came from advertisers new to digital video in 2013 – and many of them were large brand advertisers.
• 68% of video ads in the last 12 months came from four advertiser categories dominated by large brand advertisers. The top video advertiser categories were Automotive and Retail, with Consumer Packaged Goods and Technology advertisers rounding out the top four.
Publishers are growing audiences and revenue with more video
• News publishers are redefining the way they deliver the news. As they increase their focus on video news content, they’re running 3 times more video ads this year than last.
• Video content is coming from all across the web – not just from TV or entertainment publishers. Sites that have benefit from increased video spending include Automotive & Vehicle, Sports, Computers & Electronics, and Shopping sites.

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