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Google tests DIY real time bidding platform ‘Open Bidder’

Google is testing a new tool that helps companies build their own customisable real-time bidding platforms using its cloud and DoubleClick services.

The platform has been developed over the past year, and aims to removes development barriers for companies looking to build their own RTB technology.
Currently in beta status, the platform uses the Google Cloud Platform and DoubleClick’s real-time bidding protocol.
Writing in the company’s official blog post, Google’s Open Bidder Team said: “Currently, companies interested in building their own real-time bidding technology face significant barriers to overcome, including: Development and maintenance of a scalable and secure infrastructure for their bidder; Development of a robust system to apply bidding logic to incoming bid requests; Development of a bidder with sufficient latency at scale to meet real-time bidding requirements.”
To address these issues, Open Bidder provides a customisable bidder toolkit with a reference implementation that developers can adapt to plug in their own bidding logic and data.
Meanwhile, an ‘administration console’ manages bidder and load balancer instances within Google Compute Engine.
Developers interested in joining the beta can apply here. As the application indicates, Google is encouraging developers and ad tech providers to apply and test innovative ideas on the platform during the Beta phase
Read the official Google blog post here

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