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Kids warned off Google Glass for health reasons

Google has discouraged children under the age of 13 from using its upcoming Glass eyewear, citing health reasons.

On its website, a new message reads “Don’t let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision. Glass isn’t for everyone. Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache. Kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google’s terms of service don’t permit those under 13 to register a Google account.”
The search giant also advises people who have had laser eye surgery to check with their doctors.
The warnings come amid growing concern over the safety of looking at the tiny screen all day.
It also revealed customers who struggle with health issues will be given a refund. ‘If Glass is not for you and you wish to return it, do so before the end of the applicable refund period,’ it said.
The calm fears over wider eye health issues, Google claims that internal tests have given it ‘no cause for concern’.
“‘It’s something we’ll continue to watch carefully,” a spokesman said. “We have been working with ophthalmologists throughout our development process.”

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