A new comedy film, ‘Pulp’, recently became the first movie to be distributed via a games console in the UK, to Xbox Live subscribers- with Microsoft hinting at more to come. Jerome Rota, SVP Consumer Products and Services at Twonky, looks at these changing consumer viewing habits, and how connected TVs will shake up mthe media industry.
It’s not surprising that independent filmmakers are looking to new distribution avenues given the high costs of releasing a film on DVD or at the cinema. The wide adoption of watching TV on a number of smart devices at home is a big benefit to independent film companies and it’s great to see films like Pulp taking advantage of that by using the Xbox 360 platform as a springboard.
This is not the first completely independent movie to be released directly to end users using the internet, but this film’s release is a significant acknowledgement that the way people consume film and TV content is changing and there are now new ways to reach viewers due to connected devices.
Tablet and mobile devices have become enormously popular for the discovery and consumption of video content and that trend shows no sign of slowing down. Direct distribution of video content is happening and is here to stay, with audiences enjoying content across Xbox, AppleTV, Roku, or even Connected TV.
Filmmakers looking to reach a wide audience can benefit hugely from the connected experience these technologies offer, as consumers are no longer only looking to the TV screen to discover film content. Smartphones and tablets have reenergised the video business, not only by offering on-the-go access and more choice for consumers, but by opening up opportunities for filmmakers too.
By Jerome Rota
SVP Consumer Products and Services