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Mobile got ‘12% of video ads views in 2012’

Mobile video ad views in the US soared last year, growing to 12% in 2012 compared to 2% in 2011, with the majority coming from Apple’s iOS devices, according to a new report.

The research, from Freewheel, found that 60% of all mobile video viewing is done on iOS devices. Android devices accounted for most of the rest, at 32%.
Freewheel’s key findings include:
 The amount of professional, rights-managed video online increased , with total video views seeing an uptick of 23% year-over-year.
 Video ad volume went up 47%, with long-form content (defined as 20 minutes or more) seeing an average of 9.4 video ads per video view, an increase of 6.9 from the same quarter last year. Pre-roll volume increased 45% and mid-roll increased 60%.
 Despite the fact that people are watching more ads, they are watching them to the finish more as well. A 93% completion rate for content over 20 minutes, 81% for mid-form (5-20 min), and 68% for short-form (5 min or less).
 15-second ads have begun to dwindle in favor of 30-second ads. 34% of ads are :15 while 42% are :30, and this flips the script from 2011.
 Non-computer viewing has increased 2% to 12% of all viewing.
 Apple has 60% of the mobile viewing market, Android has 31%.
Rise in long-form content ad placement

The study also looked at where ads appear (Long, medium and short conent) with 9.4 ads appearing per view of content over 20 minutes long.

In all, completion rates increased over long-form content from 88% to 93%, mid-form rose from 68% to 81%, and short-form increased from 54% to 68%.

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