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FundTheGap debuts UK crowd-funding platform

FundTheGap, a new online equity fundraising platform for start-ups and small businesses looking to raise up to £2m of investment, has launched to offer businesses a new online fundraising channel.

The FundTheGap team has over 50 years’ experience in small business funding, during which time they have secured over £500 million of investment; this is the most experienced management team in the industry.
FundTheGap always meets the management teams behind every single venture before accepting a pitch onto the platform. Once a business has passed the screening, it will have the opportunity to raise up to £2m in equity, and will benefit from a co-investment by the FundTheGap team of between £500-£50,000.
FundTheGap is a platform designed to bring together start-ups and small businesses seeking funding in a tough economic market with a variety of qualified investors, including those who may want to invest in a specific sector, support a local business or back someone that they know.
Entrepreneurs can use the dashboard as a streamlined way to communicate with potential and existing shareholders – keeping investors up to date on progress.
Moreover, investors may be able to take advantage of government investment incentives such as the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) – meaning investors may be able to get up to 78% of their investment back in tax relief.
Before being accepted onto the platform, investors have to demonstrate that they understand the risks of investing in start-ups and small businesses by completing a questionnaire or self-certifying as a high net worth individual or sophisticated investor.
“We have been watching the alternative funding space develop with interest. With over 50 years experience and having secured over £500m for small businesses throughout our careers, we are confident that FundTheGap will provide a complementary source of funds at a critical time for cash starved UK smaller businesses.” says FundTheGap Co-Founder, Christian Elmes.
“As finance professionals we will not accept any investment we wouldn’t back ourselves, which is why we are committed to investing between £500 and £50,000 into every venture we accept onto the platform.” added FundTheGap Co-Founder, Derek Uittenbroek.

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