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What the Google settlement means for SEO (infographic)

Google has been forced to change its search practices, after a two year antitrust investigation into its operations. But what will the changes mean for SEO? This infographic from internet marketing agency Imfoza looks at the implications…

The decision form the FTC in the US puts the following restrictions on the way Google operates:
• Google will license some of its mobile device patents to smartphone, tablet and gaming device competitors
• Google will stop using snippets of content from other websites, like Yelp’s reviews, in its search results
• Google will adjust its online advertising platform so campaigns can be more easily managed on rival networks
• Google will NOT have to change its search formula, considered as the company’s most valuable property
The infographic, created by Nickolay Lamm, and Vinny La Barbera at Imforza, looks at the impact of these changes on search engine optimisation SEO tactics.
View larger image here
SEO After the Google Antitrust Settlement - Infographic
Read the blog post from Imforza accompanying the infographic here

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