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Google Maps gets 10m iPhone downloads in 48 hours

Google’s new maps app for the iPhone has become one of the most successful app launches ever, getting over 10 million downloads in just 2 days.

The Google Maps iPhone app had been highly anticipated by many iPhone users after the recent iOS 6 update saw Google’s mapping software replaced by the iPad mini manufacturer’s own Apple Maps service.
On launch, Apple’s own map service was plagued by bugs and attracted lots of criticism.
Google’s Senior Vice President of Commerce and Local, Jeff Huber has now revealed the true success of the Google Maps iPhone app, taking to Google Plus to declare “More than 10 million download in less than 48 hours after release.”
Speaking via the Google+ social network, Huber added: “We’re excited for the positive reception of Google Maps for iPhone around the world. Congratulations to the Maps Team on the recognition for the passion and hard work they poured into it, for this release and over the last 7 years.”
Although Apple has addressed a number of the core issues with its Apple Maps system since launch, the rapid uptake of the Google Maps iPhone app seems to suggest that the Cupertino company will struggle to shake the damaging first impressions.

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