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Marketers ‘missing a trick’ with Google’s Remarketing for Search

Google’s latest launch of its Remarketing for Search product, currently in beta, is a huge step from the standard advertising options that Google Adwords presents, says digital marketing agency, Greenlight. According to the Greenlight, it could have a substantial impact on the way digital marketers traditionally use remarketing and advises that it would be in their best interest to trial the product sooner rather than later or they could get left behind.

Ryan Haines, Paid Media Executive at Greenlight says: “Remarketing for Search is a powerful targeting option for marketers whose aim is to increase brand awareness, obtain new customers and tailor ads to existing customers within the search engine results pages (SERPS). In a case study, World Travel Holding says it has seen a significant 145% increase in click through rate (CTR) versus its original campaigns.
Until now, Adwords remarketing was based on the Google display network (GDN) and was a product where digital marketers could select various audiences based on their behavioural web page browsing history. Remarketed ads would then be targeted to entice browsers and potential customers, who may have entered the conversion funnel, back to a certain webpage where they are more likely to perform a conversion function.
Google’s Remarketing for Search takes the benefits of remarketing and leverages them within the SERPs. It allows advertisers to target users on the search network based on their keyword search history within the SERPS. It facilitates a more personalised search experience, as it gives the opportunity to create and target ads based on a users’ level of interaction with the brand, from new user to premium member.
According to Greenlight, some of the major benefits of Remarketing for Search in relation to the placement of ads on the SERPs include:
• Ability to monitor bids on expensive generic keywords, as ads will be targeted towards browsers that have already been to a certain site and therefore more likely to convert.
• Higher quality of traffic as ads are targeted towards keywords instead of webpage history.
• Tailored ad copy and bidding strategies based on a customer’s browsing and conversion history.
• Option to exclude existing or previous customers from brand awareness campaigns, therefore more targeted advertising, saving costs etc.
• Ensures the most relevant landing page (LP) is used based on the customer’s level of interaction, keyword search and conversion history with the respective brand.
Although this all sounds like the product should be fundamental to any good search engine marketing (SEM) campaign, Greenlight’s Haines notes that Remarketing for Search, like any Google product, comes with boxes that need to be ticked, some of which may raise more questions than answers.
“Firstly, a concern for most would be the fact that they would essentially be bidding on similar, if not the same keyword for their text ad. As always quality score will determine which ad will be shown. As mentioned, the advantage of bidding higher if need be for an audience you know has already visited your site, has some form of brand awareness and is more likely to convert and should justify this. Also, once the specific Remarketing for Search campaigns have a history and gain traction, the quality score should improve thereby helping to reduce cost per click (CPC).”
According to Greenlight’s Haines, the main red tape requirement for this product would be the fact that advertisers must use the specific Google remarketing pixel to create the audience. This automatically limits Adwords users that have limited pixel placement capabilities. Also advertisers will have to use discretion with certain ‘call to action’ ad copy in order to comply with Google policies. (Further details of this can be found within Google’s restrictions for sensitive categories in remarketing policies)
Haines concludes: “It remains to be seen whether Remarketing for Search will completely change the face of remarketing as we know it. What will further impact this also depends on what tweaks are made before its release. That said, I would urge digital marketers to take the initiative to trial and test the product sooner rather than later otherwise they could find themselves left behind on one of Google’s most innovative ways to create even more targeted and granular methods of online advertising.”

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