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PowerLinks takes ad-serving technology in the UK

IBM, Orange and Visa are amongst PowerLinks’ advertisers experiencing best-quality audiences and unprecedented ad engagement

PowerLinks has launched its real-time ad-serving technology in the UK, with IBM, Orange and Visa amongst its first clients.
The technology lets agencies to buy and manage In-image and In-text advertising, while allowing premium publishers to control ads served in their pages.
Based on this engagement imperative, PowerLinks has already executed campaigns for leading brands including IBM, HP, Orange and Visa.
Mike Harty, COO and Co-Founder, PowerLinks, said: “A legacy of no control, poor targeting and inadequate measurement has meant that contextual advertising has failed to deliver on its promise, until now. It is no wonder that most advertisers haven’t taken contextual advertising seriously.
“PowerLinks’ unique ad serving technology completely redefines online advertising… bringing together real-time bidding, rich ad formats and powerful ad metrics, to deliver a quality of audience and level of ad engagement which, put simply, is unprecedented.”
Andy Evans, CEO, Net Communities, a PowerLinks publisher partner, added: “What stands out about the PowerLinks technology is that publishers have full control over their own inventory, as campaigns can be easily set up, managed and modified on the fly through its fluid dashboard interface.
“This combined with highly granular targeting and measurement capabilities has allowed us to generate some impressive results across a number of our leading publishers.”

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