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Facebook marketing effectiveness research – brand measurement affinity tools coming

To address concerns from brands about the lack of marketing effectiveness research for Facebook, new brand affinity measurement tools are being developed. With the rush to build Facebook brand pages, many marketers have questioned the value of fans, their fit with the brand’s target audience, and how to measure marketing effectiveness. Could this be the answer?

According to a report in AdWeek, Facebook has been allowing a select number of marketers to see their fans other ‘likes’, such as their favorite brands, bands or TV shows.
The magazine cites sources ‘with knowledge of the tool’ saying that Facebook has only been using it on a one-off basis with big-budget brands—or “priority accounts’.
The sources say that agencies and their clients had to visit a Facebook office in order to access it.
The tool could help brands with their media planning. For example, Macy’s could see see the most popular TVshows among its Facebook fans, helping them book ad slots on TV and Hulu.
As another example, Ford could see its fans’ favourite bands, which could help sponsorship decisions or which songs to use in TV ads.
Source: AdWeek

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