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Top tips- How to be a better SEO professional

As the top slot on Google becomes prime estate for brands, the demand for search engine optimisation (SEO) professionals is on the rise. Richard Baxter, Founder of SEOGadget, argues that many SEOs still need to grasp the breadth and depth of it as a marketing discipline.

Richard Baxter’s claimed his vision is to build and maintain his SEO agency and establish it as a major international business. However, he highlights that it doesn’t happen by accident and SEO business owners must have a clear vision of where they want to head.
Richard comments: “I have met so many search marketers in other countries who are passionate and motivated. We work in an industry that is one of the most exciting and expansive in the entire world. I have spent a long time thinking about the qualities of the best SEO consultants and what points in their development has made them the best.
“Firstly, it’s more than simply having knowledge about content marketing and coding. Anybody can learn that over time. The golden rule, to be the best SEO, is to decide what your goals are and if you don’t have a goal, then make one. That’s your first goal.
“I would also highly recommend finding yourself a mentor or find someone you respect and copy them. Or do both. That doesn’t have to be someone you know personally – it could be a celebrity or a well-known business person. Analyse what they have done to get where they are in their career. Don’t be happy with just ‘ok’. Always strive to improve on what you’ve achieved. And if you don’t love what you’ve just done, then it isn’t finished.
“I am often so surprised at the number of really good SEOs that still fail to pitch themselves properly. This is crucial. If you can’t pitch yourself then potential clients may fail to have trust in you to get the job done. It’s vital for you to put yourself out of your comfort zone. If you haven’t done a presentation, then do one. It will feel amazing afterwards and will open doors and create opportunities.
“No matter where you are in your career, you should always ask questions. If you fail to do so, then you fail yourself. What drives us is to understand what makes things work and I always aim to learn at least one new thing a week.
“You should also make the choice to reinvent the wheel and don’t accept that what you are doing now is the norm. Don’t let it get stagnate. Evolve and find the simplest way to achieve a goal. Remember, when you are walking into the office, you are walking on stage and whether you are having the worst day, make it feel like you are having your best day.”
“One of the most important things is to build your own website. There are no such things as an SEO without their own website. Good SEOs should also learn to sell just about anything and make people realise how much you care about what you do. Then they care about what you know. It’s good business.”
Richard Baxter, Founder of SEOGadget, joined the group of experts taking to the stage at the BrightonSEO Conference as he looked at the key milestones in the development of the best SEO consultants. Richard founded SEOGadget in August 2010 with one member of staff to now having 14 employees. The latest BrightonSEO Conference, organised by SiteVisibility, took place on Friday 14th September at the Brighton Dome and welcomed over 1700 delegates making it one of Europe’s biggest SEO conferences.

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