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LinkedIn and Twitter end 3-year partnership

LinkedIn will no longer display tweets after Twitter ended a three year partnership with the business social networking service.

Twitter says it wants to have its services delivered more consistently, and have developers build into Twitter, rather than let them create services that take people away from the core platform.
“We want to make sure that the Twitter experience is straightforward and easy to understand — whether you’re on or elsewhere on the web,” said Twitter’s Michael Sippey, via a blog post.
“These efforts highlight the increasing importance of us providing the core Twitter consumption experience through a consistent set of products and tools. Back in March of 2011, my colleague Ryan Sarver said that developers should not ‘build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience’.
“That guidance continues to apply as much as ever today. Related to that, we’ve already begun to more thoroughly enforce our Developer Rules of the Road with partners, for example with branding, and in the coming weeks, we will be introducing stricter guidelines around how the Twitter API is used.”
LinkedIn said little on the matter, but confirmed customers would still be able to share updates on Twitter by posting them on LinkedIn, via a simple share option.
“If you had previously synced your LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, and selected the option to share Tweets on LinkedIn, those Tweets generated from Twitter will no longer appear on LinkedIn. There will be no other changes to your LinkedIn experience,” LinkedIn’s Ryan Roslansky said in a blog post.
A year ago, Twitter bought the popular client Tweetdeck, signalling tighter control of its ecosystem.

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