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Right to reply: Can Google conquer TV too?

Next month, Google is set to launch its web TV service in the UK , but can the internet giant transfer its success to the living room? Bill Scott, is Chief Operating & Commercial Officer at easeltv looks at three factors that could determine Google’s success or failure in the TV market.

Will Google TV have the same impact as Android has had on mobiles? Possibly, though it is too early to say.
There are three pretty fundamental things that Google will have to address in order to achieve that:
• Good content – In the US, major content providers blocked access to their content from Google TV. Google has to fix this issue on a global level.
• A true TV experience – Typing into a search box is not a good TV experience – This should not be the main route to content discovery – something more akin to suggested TV would be better, i.e, looking at the user history and using algorithms to suggest programmes they would like. This is more the lean back, living room experience that ConnectedTV is good for. Also, as an add-on box, what is the overall viewing experience, including broadcast TV like? Is it seamless? Because it needs to be.
• Critical mass of audience – Getting an affordable device to market from multiple manufacturers globally
If Google can achieve these things, then the openness of the platform will bring success. At easeltv, we believe it to be important and have an active roadmap project to target the platform.
By Bill Scott
Chief Operating & Commercial Officer


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