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The state of the web in 2012 (slideshow)

As digital technolgy becomes ever-more entrenched in modern life, just how deeply has it impacted traditional media, and what are the next trends? This slide presentation from Kleiner Perkins partner Mary Meeker takes a global view on the web’s impact on society.

The presentation, taken from last month’s All Things D Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, looks at the change and disruption the web has brought with it.
Speaking at the conference, Meeker commented on her presentation, saying “A lot of it is stuff you know, but when packaged in a way that you see it all together, I’m overwhelmed.”
The slides use data from many sources, and indicate that many of the 663 million netizens added over the last three years have come from developing nations like China and India.
In fact, since 2008, China has accounted for almost a third of new web users, adding 215 million to the connected population.
In addtion, areas like India, China and Vietnam have all seen triple digit percentage growths in 3G penetration since last year.
View the slide presentation in full below:
KPCB Internet Trends 2012

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