Tobacco giant Imperial Tobacco has appointed London based award-winning digital agency Cyber-Duck to produce and develop a new extranet system for the organisation.
The firm, operating in over 160 countries, owns brands including Davidoff, JPS, Gauloises Blondes, Golden Virginia and Rizla,
This extranet will champion the implementation of the organisation’s strategic direction across Imperial Tobacco’s 119 international markets.
Scheduled for the end of June, the extranet will educate staff across international markets on Imperial Tobacco’s business strategy and employ the latest digital technology such as streaming video, infographic presentations and interactive tests.
The new extranet will educate staff on strategic matters and test their understanding of it. It also feature the latest scalable tracking functionality which is seen as key to the development.
Interactive e-learning modules will enable internal staff to educate themselves on the latest business strategy.
Cyber-Duck will implement Gamification to reward the users of the system. The website will be designed using a folksonomy layout, minimising the number of clicks needed for a user to navigate through the website’s content.
Cyber-Duck will also create an interactive calendar allowing staff members to view and prioritise internal events.
A long term goal of the extranet is to ensure it is adaptive which means the extranet system will be easily accessible via PC, Tablet and mobile devices with an optimum user experience regardless of device or screen resolution.
Tomas Jaukovic, Performance Development Executive, Imperial Tobacco said: “With lots of the staff being on the move, it is imperative to reach out to staff in the most effective way possible. What really impressed us about Cyber-Duck is their innovative approach to UX (user experience) and their track record working across multiple industries. We’re delighted to be working with Cyber-Duck to help us tackle the important challenge of addressing important business information flow in a user friendly way whilst being distilled through the right internal systems and IT.”
Cyber-Duck’s Managing Director Danny Bluestone said of the project: “Creating a complex technical application that incorporates award-winning UX is what Cyber-Duck excel at and so we were naturally enthused at the prospect of participating in this project. In addition Imperial Tobacco requires the extranet to be optimised for both mobile and tablet devices. As pioneers in the field of adaptive web design we are confident we have the ideal solution for this project having implemented this principle for other established organisations. We are delighted to have formed this partnership with Imperial Tobacco and look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship.”